Sunday, March 29, 2009

Greater Things

Saturday night, March 28th we held our first Lord's Gym South Sac Vision Banquet. It was an event to raise money for the remodel of Cal Skate (the building our church bought to open a Lord's Gym). The building was bought about two years ago as a functioning roller skating business. In the past two years it has gone under significant remodels already, but there's so much more to be done. While continuing to keep the skating aspect of the business running we've held whats called "Night of Champions" every wednesday night, where kids can come to a safe and encouraging environment and learn about the word of God, and meet some wonderful mentors. Already many lives have been changed and now many young people know who to call when situations go bad and they need someone to talk to. We will continue to build Lord's gym with excellence so that these young people can go to a place where they feel special and valuable and worth such an amazing faciliy.
And that is why we had this banquet last raise money for the remodel of Lord's Gym south sacramento and bring a high quality, top of the line youth outeach center to these kids. The banquet's theme was "Greater things are still to be done".
The roller skating floor/basketball courts is where the banquet was held. Over 100 tables with about 10-12 people sitting at each one of them....there were alot of people there in case you didn't catch that. We invited people from all over...people from other churches, people from different coorporations, and people with MONEY! We wanted everyone who walked through those doors last night to feel a spirit of excellence in that place....i sure think they did.

We also held a silent auction of some sports memorabilia, vacations, art, and much more.
An example of the sports memorabilia is an autographed jersey from Oakland A's Eric Chavez, an autographed picture of Larry Bird, autographed golf ball by TIGER WOODS! to name a few.

We had Randy Peter's Catering come and do all the food. they were amazing! they made enough food for 500 people and EIGHT of us served it to them....EIGHT of us!

This is the stage that Tyler and I will be singing from on one week from today. "what do you mean by that Kara?" well let me explain. It has always been pastor Bird's dream to start a church down in south that's exactly what we're going to do. Pastor's Paul and Shekina Gottlieb (our Master's Commission pastors, who have been running Lord's Gym south sac this whole time), will be pastoring, while Tyler and myself will have the honor of being the worship leaders for Abundant Life South! We're so excited. Pastor Paul and Shekina approached us a few months ago, and since we are the worship leaders for the college age ministry that they run, they asked us to join them in pioneering a new church with them. and ofcourse we said yes. We asked ourselves how we could possibly turn down this amazing opportunity! an opportunity to live outside of our own comfortable little world and finally live for someone else. It will be challenging and probably a little scarier to what we're used to, but the families that we're going to see changed, the gang member we'll see get saved, or the young boy who finds the Father who loves him unconditionally will make everything worth it!!!

So after all that...back to the banquet. Everything went very smoothly, everyone was moved and very excited about the project, and i think many people jumped on board to the vision. That was great and all, but we just served 500 people mind you. We were exahsted! Happy...but exahsted!

We still had to clean up however. So e got out of there at about 11:30. After we got home, we got a call from a friend who was driving the trailor back to the church in roseville. He broke down on the side of the road and needed someone to haul the trailor back to the church before the tow truck guy got there. Our car might be little but it has some uummpphh to it. So at 12:20 at night we were hauling a trailor twice the size of our car half way accross town. *sigh* the joys of ministry. heh heh.
Overall it was an amzing night and we can't wait for more of them. Please keep us and Abundant Life south and Lord's Gym in your prayers. Thankyou so much for all of your support. Things are going to get even crazier for us but we wouldn't have it any other way. We love you all and thankyou for taking the time to read this.