Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Long time no Blog

Hello friends and family! We haven't been able to update our blog for quite some time as you can see. A lot has happened since our last update. Tyler and I have been very busy with the worship teams, both in Roseville and in South Sac. The church is going so well down there, thankyou so much for all of your prayers. Our church is 9 months old this month!!! Though time has flown by, we've also been able to do some pretty fun things along the way. Here are some of our adventures from the last few months:
I took Tyler to one of my favorite hiking spots as a child. My dad would take us up here all the time for "ninja training". It is Wright's Lake, and man is it beautiful. We started at the lake and hiked 2.5 miles to another beautiful lake by the mountain you see below.
We saw some pretty things, and some pretty weird things. We took our dog, Tonka, and he did great for a little guy. He made it the whole way....he was exhasted by the end, but he sure kept up with us. Coolest pug ever!
We made some new memories at my favorite hiking place!

Isn't he handsome? My mountain man.
Soon after that, all the staff members from South Sac got together, and we all went camping....well, sort of. It ended up being in someone's back yard, but it was still really fun.

We set up all our tents by a creek going through their property....

....and then we floated down the lazy creek for about four miles. It was hilariously fun.
Oh yeah, and Tyler got to eat TONS of food. He was pretty happy.

A few months later, we put on our first big South Sac youth outreach. The presentation was called TRAPT. It represented how some people are trapt in their sin and deperately look for someone to set them free. Tyler played Jesus and I was a "Dementor". It was very powerful.
The alter call was amazing. Its crazy how many young people are struggling down there and really do feel trapped in their sin, and their environment. We can't wait to do more outreaches down there.
After everything was over, and before i could take off my make-up, little girls wanted to talk me. They were all very confused when i told them i was married to Jesus. Heh Heh.

Not to long after the outreach, Tyler and i went to Disney Land with a couple of our friends. We needed a vacation, so we got hopper passes and spent three days in Disney Land and California Adventure Park. It was so FUN!! We literally got to do everything!
We got to be super goofey in Toon Town....
...we acted like kids on the Buzz Lightyear Lazer ride, we pretended to be pirates in the Caribbean....
....we hopped around with Tigger, and the "Goofster"....
.....We were so close to getting that darn sword out of that stone thing, and we screamed all the way down into the "Briar Patch".
It was so much fun, and Tyler and I ended up living happily...well, you get the idea.

In October, my mom and i went to Women's Retreat. We go every year, its kind of our "thing". Every year we go.....

....and every year I'm assigned to be ridiculously silly. This year's theme was "my cup runneth over", so i made a huge Starbucks cup for a funny opening skit i had to do. All of us girls always put on skits for the ladies, and make fun of ourselves. It's pretty hilarious. The skits usually go with whatever Shekina is preaching, but this year we just did it because everyone likes them.

We did the big skit, and then Becky and I did a whole bunch of silly little skits in between acts during the "Talent Show". (its our life long pursuit to be on Saturday Night Live!) We are quite the pair.
Well, there you have it! It has been an eventful few months. We only got to show you a fraction of all the great things that we've been doing, and that God has been doing through us. We hope you enjoyed looking at all of our pictures. Once again, we want to thank you all so much for your prayers and support. We are so thankful for friends and family like you...we are truly blessed.
I'll do better at updating from now on, so keep checking in.
We love you all!