Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's "Fight to the Finish"

Happy New Year's everyone!!! It's a brand new year, and time to make some new memories and experience new things. We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe New Year's Eve. ,We however had a very long and interesting, but awesome night. We had the privilege of kicking off Lord's Gym's first ever "fight to the finish". Youth groups from all over the area were invited to Lord's Gym South Sacramento for an all night lock-in. Our band lead worship for the event, which was a really big deal for us... and a huge honor. The kids really got in to it, only adding to our excitement .

Joey Steelman then preached an amazing message that really challenged the kids and all of us for that matter. After that, we had a ton of activities planned for them and we welcomed in the new year wearing roller skates and swinging glow sticks!!!! SO COOL!!!

Oh yeah, then there were the basketball tournaments, Xbox frenzy, mind games and team building challenges, and THE dodge ball competitions...which our brother Jorgen rocked! Or should we say that the dodge ball rocked him. Let's just say he put his best face forward, and played a hard game. heh heh.

AFTER!!!!! *ouch*

After the tournaments there were many other fun and interesting games lasting all night. Oh, and did we mention that this event was from 7 p.m. in the evening till 6 a.m. the next morning?! oh yes!!!!! Were not really sure how either of us made it through! Tyler had to take a quick nap but he still made it. After it was all said and done, our youth group took first place in all the games and won a nintendo Wii, a t.v., ipods, and pop tarts....mmmmm and some other cool stuff.
it was fun, and Tyler and i spent the first day of our new bed. Happy New Year, we love you! Oh, and poor Tyler and i are leaving for Mexico tomorrow for a week long cruise with our College age group!!!!!! so have fun bearing the blistering cold. we'll be sipping virgin strawberry margaritas on some beach some where. tee hee. just kidding...about the margaritas, but not about the beach. Love you all.

Jordan was working that nite and got Kara some tea! he's a nice brother

Kara riding around on a little go cart...just her size!
one of the "team building" games

Shekina and Madhysen working hard

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are having a blast! We miss you and are glad you have a blog so we can keep up with what you are up to! I haven't seen you both since the wedding. Also, if you could give me your address? Josh and I will be sending out Save the Date cards and invites soon!

    My e-mail is
