Monday, June 8, 2009

Just an update

Well a lot has happened since our last update. I don't even know where to start. Let's see, the last time i left off we were at the Lord's gym banquet.
Since then, we began our church on Sundays in South Sac. Its been amazing! These are pictures from our first sunday, and the preparation for it:

we prepared in our own special ways....

James and Jordan worked hard...and Tyler's whole family came down to help.

that's c.j and jake messing around....C.J., Mary and I have now been in ministry together for 6 years!

This is our band.........bunch of goofs. heh heh
Paul and Shekina were so excited. We were pretty excited also.
That same week, we had a family member move in with us. She was in some trouble so we let her live with is.
This is Julia.

My birthday was in that same month and tyler suprised me with a "suprise party". All of our friends were there, and he bought me a pinata to beat up. Not only did he suprise me with an awesome little party, but a few days later he pulled me out of school and took me tahoe! it was so nice. We spent the night in a really beautiful was awesome!

a few weeks later it was tyler's birthday. I got a bunch of our friends together and went out to dinner. After dinner, we went and watched Wolverene!!!!! It was awesome!
A few weeks after THAT, was Julia's birthday! We had a little suprise party for her which we did only to detour her from the real suprise... San Francisco! Going to San Fran for her is like going to Italy for me. So it was a good suprise.

We saw the bridge....
...then we took her to the exploratorium. super fun....
...I met the president, and tyler left his mark on the city...
...we had icecream at the Ghiradelli factory! We loved it, can't you tell....
...showing off ourselves...tyler and I on the bridge...

...over all, a very fun day!!!
Well, that's about it. We've been pretty busy. God is so good to us. He's blessed us so that we can do all these things. I hope you all liked the pictures.

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